Dance & Dancers
A Personal Project
A Personal Project
These images represent a few shoots I have done as a personal project to get my feet wet photographing dancers. The first shots were taken of Alice. I enjoyed making images with Alice not just because of all the interesting things she was able to do with her body, but also her willingness to try and shoot things outside of her comfort zone. She was all into shooting some of the softer, sexier pieces that I tend to shoot regularly.
The collaboration was a growing experience for us both. I truly hope you enjoy these images.
The collaboration was a growing experience for us both. I truly hope you enjoy these images.

The second dancer I shot for this project was Melissa. We shot shortly after her arrival back in the states from a trip to work with children (girls in specific) in Africa. Melissa is among other things a writer and her blog's following seems to be growing every day. In photographing her I tried to capture some of the many influences both pushing and pulling her at the same time. With all this in mind I couldn't resist getting a shot of her just resting for a moment as well.